CAHFS Tulare Return to Limited Services

Dear CAHFS-Tulare Clients,

The CAHFS Tulare branch laboratory will begin providing limited services starting Tuesday April 25.

We have relocated (temporarily) next door to the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Laboratory (VMTRC) while clean up and repairs start on the Alex A. Ardans lab building. You can reach us using the normal telephone number and email address.

We do not have necropsy facilities available in the VMTRC yet (we are working to renovate spaces), but we will have the following services available:

  1. Shipping and Receiving; we can receive specimens for testing available locally, and ship specimens to other CAHFS branches for all available testing system- wide
  2. Bacteriology
  3. Limited Immunology (please call for available services)
  4. Limited Parasitology, including fecal examinations, and
  5. Field necropsy service for mammals (necropsy services for poultry and other birds not available at this time; look for an update to follow in the near future, and in the meantime please use CAHFS-Turlock for poultry/avian services).

We will schedule mammalian field necropsies in the Tulare region on a first-come, first- served basis, prioritized by the following parameters:

  1. Cases from veterinarians will receive priority,
  2. Cases involving food animals will receive priority (cattle, swine, sheep, goats and related species),
  3. Cases involving commercial operations will take priority over backyard/hobby owners and producers,
  4. Cases will be accepted based on appropriate clinical history (those involving significant morbidity and/or mortality and those with herd health implications will receive priority),
  5. Cases will be accepted within a limited distance from the Tulare laboratory to allow personnel time to return to the building by closing time.

We will not have the ability to euthanize any animals – animals must be deceased or euthanized on site by client/veterinarian. We also will not have any mechanism for carcass/offal removal; clients should arrange for rendering or other carcass removal services themselves. We will work with clients to leave carcasses in a state suitable for rendering pickup.

We are happy to discuss any requests for field necropsies and will do our best to accommodate as many requests as possible (including, if personnel/available resources are available, exceptions to the above guidelines). Please call us during normal business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM) to discuss your needs or with any questions about necropsy or other services.

Contact Information Telephone: (559) 688-7543


Temporary Courier/Mail/Physical Address: CAHFS c/o VMTRC 18830 Road 112 Tulare, CA 93274

Thank you for your patience while we have been working to return to operations and we appreciate your support.

Dr. Ashley Hill, CAHFS Director

Dr. Todd Cornish, Tulare Branch Chief