The Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Board was created to jointly advise the University of California and the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) on all aspects of CAHFS operations. Members include representatives from California's livestock and poultry industries and practicing veterinarians. CAHFS, CDFA, and USDA representatives serve as ex-officio members.

Larry Rawson
Gregg Cutler
Dr. Gregg Cutler received his DVM degree from the University of California, Davis in 1974. After two years in general practice he returned to UC Davis where he completed a two year residency program in Avian Medicine. Following the residency program Dr. Cutler received the Master of Preventive Veterinary Medicine degree also from UC Davis.
Dr. Cutler spent several years at Egg City, at the time, the largest egg production facility in the world. He served as staff veterinarian, vice president- operations and Executive Vice President.
Dr. Cutler spent five years with Dekalb AgResearch running their California operations and traveled extensively. For the past twenty two years Dr. Cutler has run his private, poultry consulting practice, Cutler Associates International.
Dr. Cutler has served as President of both the American Association of Avian Pathologists and the Western Poultry Disease Conference. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians. He currently serves on the American Veterinary Medical Association House of Delegates and is the AAAP’s representative to the AVMA Legislative Advisory Committee.
Dr. Cutler works primarily with commercial layers and layer breeders. He is an avid horseman, collects antique horse drawn vehicles and drives a team of four horses competitively.
Gene Harlan
Gene Harlan is the senior partner at Cotati Large Animal Hospital. He grew up in Fresno County on a dairy and beef farm where he first became interested in veterinary medicine. After working for a local large animal veterinarian for a number of years, Gene attended U.C. Davis. He graduated from veterinary school in 1973 and then went on to complete a yearlong internship in equine and bovine reproduction.
Gene helped establish the Preceptor Program which allows senior veterinary students to come to Cotati Large Animal and learn medicine in “real world” conditions. He is also past president of the Cattleman’s Association, and has been a Sonoma County 4-H leader and Animal Health Advisor for the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture. In addition, Gene also received the 2007 Sonoma County Horse Council’s Equus Hall of Fame Award for 33 years of service in Sonoma County.
Chuck Ahlem
Chuck Ahlem is a lifetime resident of the Central Valley. He graduated with a degree in dairy science from California State University, Fresno.
He is owner of Charles Ahlem Ranch in Turlock and a partner in several other ranches. He started the Ahlem Ranch dairy in 1975 with only 100 cows and has grown the business to 4,000 milking cows. He is also the founding co-owner of Hilmar Cheese Company, a global processor and supplier of cheese, whey protein and lactose.
Chuck serves in a number of leadership roles throughout the State including: board member of the California Dairy Council; member of the California Milk Manufacturing Board; and as an advisory member of the California Animal Health and Food Safety Board. He previously served as Undersecretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Other positions of leadership have included serving as dairy industry representative on the State Board of Food and Agriculture and as a member on the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board and the UC President’s Advisory Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources.